So go ahead and Shift+Click them and hit “Modify in CAS” and you will be able to change their traits (as well as any other thing you’d normally change when you first create them). Hit ESC to close the cheat console, and once you do that, you’ll be able to Shift+Click on any sim to edit anything about them in Create a Sim as though you were first making them. Hit enter and then type “cas.fulleditmode” (again without the quotations) and hit enter again.
You can open up the cheat console by hitting CTRL+Shift+C and then typing “testingcheats on” (without the quotation marks). How to Change Your Traits (With Cheats in The Sims 4) If you’ve found that you don’t like the traits you chose, though, there’s no easy way for you to change your sims’ traits, unfortunately.
The Sims 4 once again allows you to shape their personalities with different traits.